WhatsApp recently launched its new amazing feature called whatsapp channel so users can subscribe your channel, The Uniqueness of this feature is privacy, no one can see admin number, even admin can’t see other users number, numbers that are available on your phonebook only those numbers are visible means you can see only those contacts that are available in your phone book. The another quality is common means unlimited users can subscribe your WhatsApp Channel.

Now main thing starts from here you have to create your own WhatsApp Channel even brand or personal anyone can create WhatsApp Channel and build subscribers. After Creating WhatsApp Channel, Channel link will visible to admin then admin can share links everywhere after that anyone can share WhatsApp Channel Link everywhere on the web.

In this step by step tutorial you will learn how to create your own whatsapp channel, after creating how to share whatsapp channel link.

Now let’s get started

Step 1: Open your WhatsApp on mobile or open webwhatsapp on web browser

Step 2: Click on Updates Section it is available on middle tab of your whatsapp screen.

create whatsapp channel,whatsapp channel create,whatsapp channels

Step 3: After that click on + symbol appear in your screen.

create whatsapp channel,whatsapp channel create,whatsapp channels

Step 4: Then after click on Create Channel tab. You can also subscribe others public channels in find channels section.

create whatsapp channel,whatsapp channel create,whatsapp channels

Step 4: Now this type of screen appear ‘Create a Channel to reach Unlimited Followers’ Now Click On Continue there are 3 special characteristics of WhatsApp Channels.

  1. Channels are Public so anyone can discover easily and content of channels visible up to 30 Days.
  2. Your Followers can’t show your phone number and others phone numbers too, only name, description and channel content will visible for followers. It is unique feature of WhatsApp Channel because in Facebook Groups, Admin ID is visible publicly but in whatsapp channel it is not visible.
  3. Community Guideline should be followed by Admins.

create whatsapp channel,whatsapp channel create,whatsapp channels

Step 5: After that Upload your Photo or Brand Logo, Write Channel Name and Description (Admin can write website links and URL’s in channel description). Now Click On Create Channel Tab.

Congratulations!! Your WhatsApp Channel Created Successfully.

create whatsapp channel,whatsapp channel create,whatsapp channels

Step 6: Now main thing start from here how to grow your channel without sharing your channel link, if anyone search your channel name then person can easily subscribe your whatsapp channel. If you want to share your channel link then click on Channel Link icon appearing write side on your screen.

create whatsapp channel,whatsapp channel create,whatsapp channels

Step 7: After Clicking on Channel link your link will appear now you can Copy Link, Share to your Status, Send Link via WhatsApp and Share link via other apps also.

create whatsapp channel,whatsapp channel create,whatsapp channels

Hence, You Can easily create your whatsapp channel also easily access and share your channel link. If you face any problem during whatsapp channel creation feel free to ask your doubts in comment box. Thanks for reading, Please Like, Share, Subscribe Our Whats App Channel Link.

Subscribe Now: Google Tok WhatsApp Channel.

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